Monday, March 4, 2019

Awesome Online Resources

John Bartholomew
John Bartholomew's YouTube Page was my most used online streaming resource when I was a true beginner. He is such a clear teacher and has a great attitude. I strongly recommend his Chess Fundamentals series to start. I've watched those videos at least a few times.Climbing the Rating Ladder and Chess Cognition are two more good series.

The chess openings table from reddit
This site is very useful for building and studying a repertoire
(Here's the reddit post from the creator)

Here are some videos recommended from reddit:
Evaluating Positions and Creating Plans
Trading Pieces and Pawns
Trading - When does it benefit you?
Identifying and controlling key squares

Fun checkmate-in-one site

haven't used these so I need to check out what they are...

1 comment:

  1. I am the creator of Thanks for giving it a mention. I hope you eventually tried it out! Please let me know what you think. I stopped working on the site for a while, but I started again recently and I'm planning a few improvements this year.


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