Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Improve Your Chess Now Notes

Advice from Chapter One of Improve Your Chess Now

The first chapter of this book has some amazing tips on calculation. The main thesis is to trust your instincts and find the main or principal variation whether it is a tactical, strategic, or defensive position. Exploration of the main variation utilizing abstract thoughts and concrete analysis of important branches should follow naturally. This opposes Kotov's method calling for meticulous analysis of a large tree of moves and variations to the bitter end. I recommend you to read the entire chapter from the book to see his game examples and how Tisdall runs through his variation processing throughout.

Tisdall’s theory contends that a combination of the natural human approach to the position, tempered with some of the discipline advocated by Kotov, is most effective. The components of this technique are:

  1. To aim towards the choice of a single critical variation. Branches are dealt with when unavoidable, and primarily to navigate the chief variation
  2. The constant application of abstract assessment. (The key element)
  3. A scan for critical candidates.

A Single Variation

Of course boiling a position down to one critical variation is rare, and generally characteristic of tactical positions. But the way to search is one line at a time, and with luck, identifying the most critical line first. The tricky part is, as ever, the selection and limitation of candidate moves. Basically, one will try to eliminate branches and shape a main variation.

Contrary to Kotov, Tisdall says our reflex is often to go forward and work out one complete variation at a time. You gather abstract elements of the position that way and create your “chief variation” which you then use to check other things against.

Try to always start with the most direct line. If you reach natural branching off points while calculating and struggle to find which lines (example, your opponent is in check and has four possible king moves) to look at first, it’s best to save the most difficult for last. He is in agreement with Kotov here. So how to know which is the most difficult? Tisdall says it’s usually possible to sort them out before analyzing and he thinks this is best done by having a quick philosophical chat with yourself. Often you can turn down one or two moves pretty quickly and you will continue your chief variation with the most critical/testing move.

Another argument is that by examining the potentially weaker defenses first, one can actually get a clearer picture of the hurdles to be surmounted. If great difficulties arise breaking down apparently inferior lines, one has to examine the entire enterprise (your supposed chief variation) in a colder light.

There is often a point in calculating and analyzing your chief variation when “the efficient GM gets on with it” when they conclude that they are playing without risk and they’ve discovered the most promising variation. Play the move and get the opponent’s clock ticking. We don’t need to solve every aspect of the starting position.

Calculation in defense puts a slightly different spin on the approach. Now the search concentrates even more on aiming to pare down the candidates to the most critical, and to examine the most critical first. There isn’t really a point to checking possibly suspect variations except as a last resort when defending.

Abstract Assessment

Try to set down your full process of thought as closely as possible—try to capture the inner monologue of your problem solving. This means not only the more abstract bits of your reasoning (as opposed to concrete variations) but also a running commentary of what goes through your head, your internal conversations.

He often uses an abstract approach to a tactical position because it’s more efficient than sitting down and meticulously travelling the branches to the end (Kotov's technique, basically). Intuition plays a big role in that.

Constantly processing the information gleaned from concrete lines into verbal terms that can help us interpret the vital signs of the position is an essential part of the technique.

In Tisdall's words, he places added emphasis on the intuitive side of the game, and uses it to harness the scientific side of the brain. For others the emphasis may well need to be the other way round, finding a way to enhance a general approach with concrete calculating skills.


The creation of candidate lists is never the primary task (it seems to be so in Kotov's method). By leaning towards an instinctive choice first, we activate our intuition (and experience), engage the practical aspect of play by preparing to make a decision, and initiate an examination of the abstract factors of a position. All of which in turn guide our concrete analysis and begins the process of sorting likely candidate moves.

* * * The entirety of the Chapter Summary is great advice.* * *

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Missouri Spring Championship - OTB Tournament Preparation

Whoa! An over-the-board tournament during a pandemic! What is going on? What is this going to be like? How will I play? Holy sh*t these are long games. How do I prepare?

What is going on?
Seriously? An OTB tournament? During COVID? Yep. I got an email from USCF letting everyone know that an organization called Blakeman chess is putting together small OTB tournaments and one of them is in Columbia, Missouri! I can't tell you how excited I was when I saw that. A weekend tournament has been on my TODO list and I wouldn't have dreamed I'd get an opportunity at this time considering the pandemic. They're limiting it to the first forty participants and so I got my name on the entry list pretty quick. I've been very careful over the last year so I felt reassured when reading about the precautions they were going to be taking.

What am I expecting?
In the weeks after registering, I've been viewing their entry list online. There is a GM, a few IMs and NMs in the 1800+ section. I'm in the lower section of course and as of writing, I'm the lowest rated player in the field (there is one unrated player I did not count). It may be surprising but I do not care at all about that! I'm over-the-moon excited to play this tournament and the more I think about it, the more I try to determine where to set my expectations.

The format is three games on Saturday and two games on Sunday. They're 90 minutes per side plus a 30 second increment so these will be long games and exhausting days. It's really quite absurd but I'm doing it. Knowing how I play classical games (I tend to play very slowly and take a lot of time), I will probably be exhausted by Sunday afternoon.

I've played six official USCF games over-the-board in my life and those were in a one-game-a-week setting so this will be my first ever weekend-tournament experience with multiple games in a day. Similar to the first times I went to the chess club to play OTB games, I know there will be a lot of learning experiences for this tournament, a major one being endurance. As far as results go, I'm not expecting to do great. I don't see getting even 3 out of 5. My first OTB games were a learning experience in that regard: don't assume anything will be easy or the games will be simple. People are paying money and travelling to this tournament so they very much care about doing their best in the games.

I don't anticipate a lot of OTB games this year so I want to get as much out of this tournament as possible! As far as goals, so many things have crossed my mind. They've ranged from "gain ratings points" to "win more games than I lose." I've wondered if it's better to make wide-ranging goals that apply to every game or rather make a goal that I try to reach in at least one game. I don't know the answer to that but I think that I will set more general goals rather than specific goals. As an example, I'd rather set and meet goals like "get through every opening in a mostly equal and comfortable position" than "beat one +1600 rated player." 

I've settled on "things to focus on" rather than hard-set goals. I'll call them Focus Points:
  • Play the opening carefully (i.e. not by memory) and try to get to an equal and comfortable position after the first ten moves in every game.
  • Always remember to think about my opponent's best moves.
  • Don't get too down on myself. It's a long tournament.
  • Take my time to Visualize, Evaluate, and Trust my abilities.
  • Drink water and eat fresh fruit (Thanks reddit)
  • Take nothing for granted, try hard in every move.

As of writing, I have one month before the tournament. Here are all the things I'd like to do leading up to the tournament:
  • Finish my current tactics project - I've been doing spaced repetition on 1001 Chess Exercises for Club Players and as of today (Feb 4), I've completed the final set to get to 500 problems. I'll repeat that set a few times and then try to do all 500 over and over a few times. I can do most of this work during the weekdays.
  • Work on longer calculation tactics - My tactics over the last year has included a majority of easier problems I solve over and over. I need more work in harder puzzles that I sit with for 10-15 minutes. I'll set up positions on a real board (using either the yusupov book or puzzles and spend at least 10 minutes on them)
  • Complete my 30 games in 30 days in January and analyze my most common mistakes. Focus on those issues moving forward in my training games before the tournament. 
  • Play untimed games against computers and use a physical board. Playing bots isn't ideal but it's something I can do in the evening without being tied to my computer for an hour as in a timed game, if I have to get up to make dinner, it's fine. The position and bot will still be there waiting.
  • Work on opening flashcards
  • Review Bernd Rosen's Chess Endgame Training book - I'm anticipating at least one endgame, so maybe spending a few hours on this book will help a little bit to remind myself how to calculate simple endgames.
  • Review Stean's Simple Chess for a refresher on simple strategy. Play through the games on a physical board.

My SECOND OTB Tournament Experience!

Allright, it's time for another tournament! Six months since my last one, no thanks to a certain variant of a certain virus which shall ...